Dear Christians,
The story behind John 2:5 might appear so easy to understand and the simplicity might make one unable to see the great concrete revelation behind that sentence. it's not just about doing what He tells you, No, it is THE FORCE BEHIND THE STATEMENT. How can a woman that came for a wedding and her son equally came and then the wine finished and the woman told her son the wine had finished and immediately told the servants there to do whatever He tells them to do?, just like that?
without discussing the issue first, whether money has to be gotten to remedy the case or what else could be done and she said that even without thinking of the 6 water pots of stone. she said that without thinking of any alternative. she said that because she knew that was just the final solution. I mean at that point, she could swear that the lack of wine just ended. even the unreserved obedience displayed when the servants filled the water pots with water to the brim without murmuring or hesitating, still marvels me. lets not forget that at that point it was hard for people to believe in Him, we see in John 7:1-5 while still in Galilee, Jesus' brothers never believed in Him, they just saw Him as a boy with some special powers seeking popularity. In verse 4 they said, "No one hides what he is doing if he wants to be well known. Since you are doing these things, let the whole world know about you!" while some fellows believed and poured water into the pots believing it must turn to wine because Jesus is in charge, Jesus even told them, "Draw out now, and bear to the governor of the feast" and they took the water that has now turned to wine to the governor without murmuring or hesitating.
without discussing the issue first, whether money has to be gotten to remedy the case or what else could be done and she said that even without thinking of the 6 water pots of stone. she said that without thinking of any alternative. she said that because she knew that was just the final solution. I mean at that point, she could swear that the lack of wine just ended. even the unreserved obedience displayed when the servants filled the water pots with water to the brim without murmuring or hesitating, still marvels me. lets not forget that at that point it was hard for people to believe in Him, we see in John 7:1-5 while still in Galilee, Jesus' brothers never believed in Him, they just saw Him as a boy with some special powers seeking popularity. In verse 4 they said, "No one hides what he is doing if he wants to be well known. Since you are doing these things, let the whole world know about you!" while some fellows believed and poured water into the pots believing it must turn to wine because Jesus is in charge, Jesus even told them, "Draw out now, and bear to the governor of the feast" and they took the water that has now turned to wine to the governor without murmuring or hesitating.
Brethren, it is not what you do in the Kingdom that matters it is why you do it, if you don't have a why for your action you might as well be doing it for years without getting a single result from it. If Mary had kept her cool and just let things go, there won't be any more wine for the wedding. so there is a need for us to speak out when in times of need. He knows the wine has finished but you need to tell Him, and make Him know you are expecting it.
if Mary had doubted or if the servants had doubted, there probably might not be any wine again for that wedding. one would ask, When did the water actually turn to wine?? could it be when they servants were pouring the water or when the jar was filled or perhaps when the servant took the "liquid" to the governor of the feast or could it be immediately the governor tasted it. My Fellow Christians, it doesn't really matter, what matters is that the lack of wine must end and it did.
We will notice that it was never recorded that Jesus had to pray or thank God as He usually does for the water to turn to wine. He just told them to fill the 6 water pots and then He told them to draw out and take to the governor, Brethren The faith of everyone involved was the pivot to the miracle. some people are almost at the verge of receiving what God has released for them and then devil comes in and start making them doubt and then they loose it just like that.
Good news Version said in verse 8 of John 2, "and He told them, 'now draw some water out and take it to the man in charge of the feast' they took him the water" so one can say it was immediately the governor tasted it that it turned to wine. Now imagine if they doubted while taking it to the governor. some of us would have said, "No, how can we just take water to the governor, the governor might shout at us and mock us, how can? we will just look like fools, no, no way". lol. some of us might even look for how to escape and dodge what they might call humiliation in front of the guests.
Brethren, simply put, it is your faith that matters in whatever you do, if your faith cannot carry it, then do not do it because it will be just an exercise in futility.
So now I ask, what is your notion when you tell Jesus of your need? what is your notion when you kneel and pray to Jesus? what is your notion when you fast and pray seeking God's face? what is your notion when you "do whatever He tells you to do because I tell you", your notion is as important as what you actually do
My advice is this, Before you do anything in the Kingdom make sure you locate the promises and benefits attached to that particular thing from the Scriptures. Study those that did that same thing and lay hold of their result while demanding for yours. don't do anything casually, don't give offering or tithe casually, please don't pray and fast casually, please don't go to church casually, and the list goes on.
But without receiving Jesus, you cannot have faith in Him for how can you believe someone you do not know. So First things First, right now if you are not saved, you are not safe, if you are not sure, then you are not saved. if you would like to give your life to Christ, say this prayer and mean it,
"Lord Jesus, I have come to You today, I accept that I am a sinner and I confess my sins and repent from them. I believe that You died on the cross of Calvary for my sins. Thank You for forgiving me. today I am saved, I am born again. thank You Jesus".
"Lord Jesus, I have come to You today, I accept that I am a sinner and I confess my sins and repent from them. I believe that You died on the cross of Calvary for my sins. Thank You for forgiving me. today I am saved, I am born again. thank You Jesus".
if you said this prayer congratulations, you are now a child of God begin now to believe and enjoy your inheritance in Christ but remember as far as your eyes can see, God will give you, Gen 13:15. Be Blessed.
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