Thursday 28 January 2016

Would You Walk On Water, If You Were Peter?

it's time to tell God "Lord, if it be You, bid me to come to You on the water" (Matthew 14:28). Only the people that dare the impossible achieve the impossible. if you don't dare it, you might as well be on the normal level for life. Delight in impossible challenges, our God is a specialist on that. it is never too much for Him. Remember He is the God that raised a dead man even when the body was said to be rotten, the God that raised a huge army just from dry bones, the God that turned a fiery furnace to an air conditioned room, the God that makes lions friendly to human, the God that gave a woman of 90 years a child, what is your situation again? My dear it's time to walk on that sea, don't mind how wavy it is, all you need to do is look onto Jesus and hold on to His words of Assurance and NEVER DOUBT in your heart. Jesus is right there waiting for you, but He wants to see your violent faith. No wonder the Scriptures say, the Kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent takes it by force. (Matthew 11:12).

while others were crying out in fear, Peter was seeing the possibility of doing what Jesus was doing (that is walking on the sea) Matthew 14:24-32. some of us don't even believe we can do what Jesus did. and you can never be what you don't believe. Jesus said "whosever believes in me, great things I have done, but greater will he do, because I have gone to the Father" (John 14:12). In other words, we are not just capable of doing what Jesus did but we are to do even greater than Jesus did. Yes! that's the kind of power that we have. But it all starts in the heart. and to be brief, your heart can only be in connection with the purpose of God only if it is filled with the Word of God. now what is your heart filled with. some people if they were Peter on that boat, their hearts would have been filled with thoughts of how the boat would capsize and how they would drown.

Let's not forget that the moment Peter started doubting He started sinking. He kept his mind fixed on Jesus and he walked on water but then he drifted his mind and remembered that he was still on the sea, so how come? and then he started sinking. the only way to sustain our faith is to fill it always with the Word, watch, read and think gospel. it goes a long way to help us walk to where Jesus is. 

And can I  tell you something, there is no way out than to believe God, so your faith is very critical if you must pray a prayer that must be answered. some people pray and they are simply bemoaning their situation in prayer. there is no absolute assurance they have. they just complain to God in Prayers. every complain you have for God has answers in His Word, why don't you locate that answer and take it with you in prayer. In Isaiah 41:21 God said, "Produce your cause, bring forth your strong reasons" Isaiah 1:18, God said come let us reason together.

And after Praying what do you do, you take bold steps walking on that water. My dear, there must be actions for your faith to be seen as valid. Jesus was there, how come Peter even started sinking?. Faith itself is a force, yes it is used to walk on water but at the same time it knows when you are playing with it, it knows when you are faking it, Jesus had nothing to do with Peter sinking, it was simply between him and his faith. Immediately faith realized that he wasn't sure, faith let go of him. see Faith as a force, it helps.

Today I'm simply saying it's time to ask God, if this is really you then change my level, He always says yes (Matthew 7:7) but then have you built up any Faith well enough to come out of that situation?. the Bible said in Luke 1:45, "And blessed is she that believed, for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord". it is up to you, I'm not talking about childish faith, I'm talking about violent faith!

if you have not accepted Jesus as your Lord and personal Savior, there is no how you can believe someone you don't know, if you are not saved, you are not safe, if you are not sure, then you are not saved. if you would like to give your life to Christ or maybe you fell off at some point and you would like to return back and reconnect with God, say this prayer and mean it,
"Lord Jesus, I come to You today, I accept that I am a sinner and I confess my sins and repent from them. I believe that You died on the cross of Calvary for my sins. Thank You for forgiving me. today I am saved, I am born again. thank You Jesus". if you said this prayer congratulations, you are now a child of God, so let go of the past evil ways, for the Bible says if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things have passed away, behold, all things are become new (2 Cor 5:17). Be Blessed.


  1. Very encouraging,found it at the right time.

  2. God bless you, Sebi. I pray for grace to put it to work and see tremendous results in Jesus Christ, AMEN
